Family Law


Our divorce practice is dedicated to guiding you through one of life's most challenging transitions with compassion and seasoned counsel.

We understand that every divorce is unique, and we tailor our approach to your specific needs. Our attorneys handle both contested and uncontested divorces, addressing complex issues such as asset division, debt allocation, and spousal support.

We strive to protect your interests while minimizing conflict and emotional stress. Whether your case requires skilled negotiation or aggressive litigation, our team is prepared to advocate for your rights and work towards a favorable resolution that sets you up for a positive future.


Legal separation can be a crucial step for couples contemplating divorce or those who need to live apart while maintaining certain legal protections.

Our attorneys assist you in navigating the intricacies of separation agreements in South Carolina. We help you address key issues such as property division, financial responsibilities, and arrangements for children, if applicable.

Our goal is to create a comprehensive agreement that provides clarity and protection for both parties during this period of transition. We ensure that your rights are safeguarded while leaving room for reconciliation if desired.

Alimony / Spousal Support

Alimony and spousal support matters can significantly impact your financial future.

Our experienced attorneys work diligently to ensure fair outcomes in these cases. Whether you’re seeking support or being asked to pay, we provide skilled representation to protect your interests. We thoroughly analyze factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse’s earning capacity, standard of living during the marriage, and future financial needs.

Our team is adept at negotiating favorable support arrangements and, when necessary, litigating these matters in court. We strive to achieve solutions that provide financial stability while being equitable to both parties. We strive to protect your interests while minimizing conflict and emotional stress.

Whether your case requires skilled negotiation or aggressive litigation, our team is prepared to advocate for your rights and work towards a favorable resolution that sets you up for a positive future.

Equitable Division

In South Carolina, marital property is subject to equitable division, which doesn't always mean a 50/50 split.

Our attorneys have extensive experience in handling complex property division cases. We meticulously identify and value all assets and debts, including real estate, retirement accounts, businesses, and investments.

Our team works to ensure that all marital property is properly classified and fairly divided. We consider factors such as each spouse’s economic circumstances, contributions to the marriage, and future financial needs. Our goal is to secure a division that protects your financial interests and provides a solid foundation for your post-divorce life.

Child Support

Ensuring proper financial support for your children is crucial for their well-being and future.

Our attorneys are well-versed in South Carolina’s child support guidelines and work diligently to secure fair support arrangements. We help calculate appropriate support amounts, taking into account factors such as income, custody arrangements, healthcare costs, and educational expenses. Our team assists with initial support determinations, modifications when circumstances change, and enforcement of existing orders. We’re committed to ensuring that your children receive the financial support they need while protecting your rights and financial stability.

We strive to achieve solutions through negotiation when possible, but we’re prepared to litigate vigorously if needed to protect your relationship with your children.

Child Custody / Visitation

Child custody and visitation matters are often the most emotionally charged aspects of family law.

Our compassionate attorneys prioritize the best interests of your children while advocating for your parental rights. We help you navigate the complexities of legal and physical custody arrangements, creating parenting plans that provide stability and nurture your children’s relationships with both parents. Our team is skilled in addressing various custody scenarios, from traditional arrangements to more complex situations involving relocation or special needs children.

We strive to achieve solutions through negotiation when possible, but we’re prepared to litigate vigorously if needed to protect your relationship with your children.

Prenuptial / Postnuptial Agreements

Our attorneys offer comprehensive assistance in drafting and reviewing prenuptial and postnuptial agreements.

These documents can provide clarity and protection for both parties, addressing issues such as property division, spousal support, and debt allocation in the event of divorce or death. We work closely with you to understand your unique circumstances and goals, crafting agreements that reflect your wishes while ensuring legal validity.

Our team is skilled in handling complex asset protection strategies and addressing concerns of business owners or individuals with significant separate property. We aim to create comprehensive agreements that provide peace of mind and financial security for both partners.

Name and Gender-Marker Changes

We provide compassionate and knowledgeable assistance for individuals seeking name changes or gender-marker corrections on legal documents.

Our attorneys guide you through the entire process, from filing the necessary court petitions to updating your name and gender markers on important documents such as driver’s licenses, passports, and birth certificates. We understand the personal significance of these changes and work diligently to ensure a smooth, respectful process.

 Our team is well-versed in South Carolina’s legal requirements for name and gender-marker changes, including those specific to transgender individuals. We’re committed to helping you align your legal identity with your true self.

Contempt of Court Actions

When court orders in family law matters are violated, our attorneys are prepared to take swift action through contempt proceedings.

Whether you need to enforce an order or defend against contempt allegations, we provide skilled representation. We handle contempt actions related to various family court orders, including those involving child support, alimony, custody and visitation, and property division.

Our team gathers evidence, prepares compelling arguments, and advocates forcefully in court to protect your rights and interests. We aim to resolve these matters efficiently, seeking compliance with court orders and appropriate remedies for violations.